#Top 10 List of Week 07

  1. Basically Everything we discuss this week
    This Computerphile video apparently discusses everything since last week, whoops
  2. Critical Section
    A video explaining briefly about critical sections and it’s problems. The guy reminds me of Pavel for some reason.
  3. Dekker’s and Peterson’s Algorithms
    literally the only good explaination video I can find about Dekker’s and Peterson’s Algorithm.
  4. Semaphores
    A pretty graphic way of what a semaphore is, how to use it, why we use it, and why it’s diffrent from regular mutexes
  5. Bounded Buffer
    A video explaining the Bounded Buffer problem, and some of it’s solutions.
  6. Dining Philosophers
    A short and fast explanation on the Dining Philosophers’ Problem, and it’s solution. The guy looks like OzzyManReviews
  7. Banker’s Algorithm
    I give up searching for a video for this one. GFG does it pretty well anyways. Kind of a long read, tho
  8. Deadlock
    All the 5W+H on deadlock and it’s avoidance strategies.
  9. Race Conditions and How To Prevent Them
    A much simpler explaination of Race Conditions and Dekker’s Algo.
  10. Semaphore vs Mutex
    A graphical comparison of Semaphores and Mutexes