#Top 10 List of Week 03

  1. File System Concept
    A video from Udacity, explaining the concept of file systems. A good video that i think helps explain the concept of file systems really well!
  2. Linux File System/Structure Explained
    A video explaining about the structure of Linux, and why it’s diffrent from Windows. As I only recently (1 year ago) started to use Linux, I find this interesting as it tells you where to find stuff in our linux installation, and how everything works.
  3. [What are Drive Partitions?] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeUM4kR67XQ)
    Although I have been installing windows over-and over again for years, I never really understood why we need to make partitions (other than for organisation purely.) This video by Linus Sebastian tells us that partitions might be usefull to help performance, however it might increase storage overhead and make our drives a bit small.
  4. How Computers Compress Text
    A bit of a tangent, but as we were learning about compression in Linux anyways, Tom Scott once explained how computers compress English Text, and it’s practical application.
  5. [Elegant Compression in Text (The LZ 77 Method)] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goOa3DGezUA)
    This video explains how the Lempel-Zif compression algorithm works. It’s notable as it is the precursor to LZMA2, the current most efficient text compression algorithm.
  6. Wipe Any PC in 2 Minutes!
    A LinusTechTips video showcasing a USB that can securely wipe your filesystem. It also shows that sometimes, you can recover “deleted” data from your drives.
  7. tar
    I believe in video superiority. However, I can’t seem to find a good video explaining what a .tar file is. Apparently, it’s like a .zip file, as it combines lots and lots of data into a single file that is convinient to yeet along using wget (or email, or, y’know, FTP). However, it doesn’t compress anything.
  8. Pros and Cons of bzip vs gzip
    This is a question i had for some time, since the last assignment showed up, as usually, files (esp. for linux) are distributed as a .tar.gz file, yet the assignment was distributed as a .bz2. Apparently, it just denotates the compression algoritm used.
  9. NFS
    A video that explains the basics of how a Network File System would operate. Funny enough, the storage concepts are the same as a local computer, with multiple tiers of storage and caches to optimise speed.
  10. LinusTechTips’ server death A tangentialy related to this week’s topic, detailing how even a RAID protected file system might fail, and details how the LTT team dealt with it.